Friday, May 05, 2006


I can't believe I have 30. I'm sure I'll see the funny side to this in a few years, but right now I'm just not. Having this...erm...disease...prevents me from touching anything in the house. I'm so scared of contaminating anything that I'm relegated to my bed (Mike is sleeping on an inflatable bed on the floor...aww) not being able to make food for my husband when he comes home. And as I've started a new job recently (hence few posts from me) and then having to take time off is just bad timing.

Mike has been great...he's been making food (when I feel like eating which isn't a lot). I've taken photos of the food that he has lovingly made for his wife who looks like a bubble wrap (thank you Lex for this very graphic description).

Lamb with couscous, caramelized onions and mange tout

Fish with sauteed vegetables with tomato sauce and mash

Vegetarian Pasta


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